Art direction
There are some computer games and films with a style that is all their own – a look that is instantly recognisable and which can influence a generation. This is what a great art director can achieve.
An art director is responsible for the visual style of a product such as a website or a game and leads the team of designers and developers who will carry out the work.
This is a senior post that requires a great deal of creativity – and the ability to inspire and manage other people.
Work activities
You might work on advertising campaigns, websites, apps, films, videos – and also on printed media such as magazines and posters.
As an art director, you are responsible for setting the overall style of a product. You work closely with clients and other team members who are all looking to you to bring to life what they have in their minds.
Once the vision for the product is agreed, you need to communicate it to the team who will be making it happen. Depending on the project, you might be working with animators, programmers, copywriters, graphic designers – or people with other technical skills.
Art directors also need to be good managers and you will need to keep a project on budget and on schedule.
Entry requirements
Most art directors start as graphic designers, so you will need experience in this role and must have a strong portfolio of design work to show what you’re capable of producing.
You will need a degree in graphic design, fine art or a related subject to get started as a designer. Depending on the job you apply for, to work as an art director you will need to know something about marketing, interactive media or the technical side of developing online media.
You will also need to show that you can communicate confidently with clients and the team you will be leading.

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